On Self-regulated learning
Mannion, J., Stoll, L., Spence-Thomas, K., Ross, G. (2023). Activate:
A professional learning resource to help teachers and leaders promote self-regulated learning. MORE -
Mannion, J. & McAllister, K. (2020) Fear Is the Mind Killer: Why Learning to Learn Deserves Lesson Time – And How to Make It Work for Your Pupils. Woodbridge: John Catt. LINK
Mannion, J. (2020) Metacognition, Self-regulation and Self-regulated Learning: What’s the Difference? Impact, the Journal of the Chartered College of Teaching, 8 (Spring), p66-69. LINK
Mannion, J., McAllister, K., Mercer, N. (2018) The Learning Skills curriculum: raising the bar, closing the gap at GCSE. Impact, the Journal of the Chartered College of Teaching, Sept 2018. LINK
Mannion, J. (2018) Metacognition, self-regulation, oracy: A mixed methods case study of a complex, whole-school Learning to Learn intervention. PhD thesis, Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge. DOWNLOAD
Mannion, J. & Mercer, N. (2016) Learning to learn: improving attainment, closing the gap at Key Stage 3. Curriculum Journal, 27(2), 246-271. LINK
On Oracy
Mannion, J. (2023) The transformative power of oracy. Oracy Cambridge. LINK
Mercer, N., Mannion, J., Warwick, P. (2019) Oracy education: the development of young people’s spoken language skills. In The Routledge International Handbook of Research on Dialogic Education. N. Mercer, R. Wegerif, L. Major (Eds).
Mannion, J. (2019) Teacher talk: The beating heart of effective professional development. Oracy Cambridge. LINK
Mercer, N., Mannion, J. (2018) Oracy across the Welsh curriculum: A research-based review: key principles and recommendations for teachers. Report for the Welsh Government. Oracy Cambridge. DOWNLOAD
Mannion, J. (2017) Why oracy is more important than literacy and numeracy put together. Oracy Cambridge. LINK
On Practitioner Inquiry
Mannion, J. (2017) Evidence-informed practice: the importance of professional judgment. Impact, the Journal of the Chartered College of Teaching, Interim edition, pp38-40. LINK
Mannion, J. (2016) How I learned to stop worrying and love teacher research. Optimus Education. LINK
Mannion, J. (2016) Action Research and SEND. Special Children Magazine. LINK
On Virtual Reality
Conference presentations
Mannion, J. (2022) A shared vision of the future? Rethinking Education Conference. Addey & Stanhope School, London.
Mannion, J. (2022) Implementation Science: A toolkit for bringing about lasting, positive change. World Education Summit.
Mannion, J. (2021) How to close the disadvantage gap. London Ed. LINK
Mannion, J. (2021) Engaging in Practitioner Inquiry. Chartered College of Teaching: CTeach conference.
Mannion, J. (2021) The role of assessment in effective implementation. Herstforshire Assessment Conference.
Mannion, J. (2020) Engaging in Practitioner Inquiry. Chartered College of Teaching: CTeach conference.
Mannion, J. (2019) Knowledge is porridge: The role of oracy in a knowledge-rich curriculum. Oracy Cambridge conference.
Mannion, J. (2019) Growth Headset? Exploring the use of VR and AR in schools. International Festival of Learning
Mannion, J. (2018) Why oracy is more important than literacy and numeracy put together. Keystone Assessment Conference:A 20-20 Vision for Assessment. South Lincolnshire Teaching School Alliance.
Mannion, J. (2018) Growth Headset: Exploring the use of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Schools. National Conference of the Independent Schools Council Digital Strategy Group, Radley College, November 28.
Mannion, J. (2018) Why researchED should be called implementationED. researchED National Conference, Sep 8.
Mannion, J., McAllister, K. (2018) The Learning Skills curriculum: Raising the Bar, Closing the Gap. International Festival of Education East. West Suffolk College, April 16.
Mannion, J. (2017) Silver bullets, magic wands and tooth fairies: why education research needs to embrace complexity. researchED National Conference, Sep 9.
Mannion, J. (2017) Why oracy is more important than literacy and numeracy put together. Northern Rocks, Leeds Beckett University, June.
Mannion, J. (2017) Creativity is *really* complicated, and it can be taught. Here’s how. Streatham & Clapham TeachMeet, May.
Mannion, J. (2016) How to bridge the Ed Tech gap, and get even better at what we do. National Conference of the Independent Schools Council Digital Strategy Group, Microsoft Reading, November 28.
Mannion, J., McAllister, K. (2018) Rethinking Learning to Learn as a complex intervention. researchED National Conference, Sept.
Mannion, J. (2016) Learning to Learn: Raising the bar, closing the gap. Kaleidoscope conference, University of Cambridge, May.
Mannion, J., Brown, C. (2016) Praxis: professional development through research inquiry. researchED National Conference, Sept.
Mannion, J. (2014) Evaluation of a whole-school Learning to Learn programme. ELCEP conference, University of Cambridge, July.
Mannion, J. (2013) Learning to Learn: Developing a whole-school, evidence-based approach. National Conference of the British Educational Research Association, Sept.